I am taking part in the Second Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry. For 7 days I will be using only flat cloth diapers and handwashing them in an effort to prove that cloth diapering can be affordable and accessible to all. You can learn more about the rules and why this challenge was started by visiting the announcement post. This year there are over 450 participants from all over the world!
What I think about Handwashing
Handwashing is not as fun as I first thought when I signed up. Other than dry, sore hands it's not physically challenging for me. However I am finding it very time consuming. Being a WAHM I'm finding it very difficult to fit yet another chore into my already busy day. In case your wondering here is a quick break down of my wash routine during this challenge. I wash once in the morning and once at night when the kids are sleeping.
1) while kids are eating breakfast, take bucket full of diapers up to the tub and fill diaper bucket with warm water. Agitate for a minute, snap lid on and let soak
2) Strap B on my back in the ergo, go agitate soaking diapers another minute then dump. Fill bucket with hot soapy water, agitate then snap on lid for another soak
3) pack school lunches , while tidying kitchen
4) walk twins to bus stop
5)while B plays with Daddy (just getting home from night shift) go agitate diapers again . Then dump and fill with cold water. Agitate till water is clear
6)wring out diapers till I can't possibly wring anymore
7) hang diapers outside on the drying rack.
Is much the same as the morning except when I break I'm attending to business duties (sewing, packaging,shipping,checking and updating online shops, blog, and Facebook page)
In between all that I'm cooking, cleaning,mothering B all day, helping with homework, and other daily chores and errands.
By the end of the night I just want to sit and watch my favourite shows, but I can hardly keep my open
I think I could do this full time if I needed to BUT I would be making more of an effort to EC and early potty train B to help lighten the work load.
wiggly baby wearing a hemp flat in the diaper bag fold with a snappi
Wow, good for you. I'm having a hard enough time doing the challenge just watching my kids. Major props to you doing it while running a business!